Accessing riteOnline with Customer Bill Number or Vehicle Information Number

If a Customer Bill was generated for that license plate, an unregistered user can search for their account by using the Bill Number and Vehicle Information Number (VIN). If the license plate does not have a customer bill generated (only has uninvoiced transactions), you will be able to search for your account based on the License Plate details and pay for the transactions.

To access riteOnlineā„¢ as an unregistered user:

  1. From the Login screen, find the Pay Your Toll Bill screen.

  1. Enter the bill number or VIN.

  2. Enter the License Plate Number.

  3. Select the License Plate State.

  4. Click Search.

    The Outstanding Charges and Disputes screen displays.

    • Click Setup Online Access to create an account.
    • Click Make a Payment to pay the toll bill. See How to Pay Your Toll Bill for more information.
    • Click Submit Dispute if you want to dispute the toll bill. See Submitting Disputes for more information.
    • Click Request Payment Plan if you are unable to pay the toll bill. See Requesting Payment Plans for more information.